Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alcohol Essay 10 - 2590 Words

Alcohol is a drug that is classified as a central nervous system depressant. There are three forms of alcohol, beer, wine and distilled spirits. Alcohol is one of the most commonly used drugs in the United States and has more adverse effects that most other drugs combined. There are many aspects to consider when thinking about alcohol as a drug. There are many myths surrounding alcohol, including who uses it, what its effects are on users, social and sexual situations and the amounts people drink. The vast majority of the American population uses alcohol and in many various ways and this also causes different effects. Alcohol is also has a great causation in crimes committed by users, social, medical, and educational problems as a†¦show more content†¦Because these people used alcohol they automatically put themselves at a higher risk, than non-drinkers, for alcohol-related injuries, problems with the law and many different negative health effects, including liver dysf unction, (MU Health, 2004). Users of alcohol also put others around them at a higher risk for negative consequences including disruption of events and studying, (Statistics on Alcohol, 2000). Although all types of drinking can have adverse effects, there are different levels of use that result in different effects. Moderate drinking is defined as drinking that generally does not cause problems in the drinker or society, typically one drink per day. This low level of alcohol consumption has been shown in studies to, reduce stress, decrease tension and anxiety, (NIAAA, 2000). Social drinking generally does not cause problems with the individual as long as the amount consumed does not increase over time, but this level of drinking has not been known to have any positive effects. Binge drinking is classified as having five or more drinks in one sitting. This is the level of use that college students engage in on the weekends. Some social effects that have been noted by students are the increased ability to break the ice in conversation, allowing people to have more fun, and facilitating sexual opportunities, (Statistics on Alcohol, 2000). However the Core Institute sur vey showed that of the students who had engaged in binge drinking at leastShow MoreRelatedImpact Of The Public Sector On National Welfare Services1140 Words   |  5 Pagesto the different in policy processes and areas. 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